Sunday, November 13, 2011

Autumn Meadows

To Autumn

Come, pensive Autumn, with thy clouds, and storms,
And falling leaves, and pastures lost to flowers;
A luscious charm hangs on thy faded forms,
More sweet than Summer in her loveliest hours,
Who, in her blooming uniform of green,
Delights with samely and continued joy:
But give me, Autumn, where thy hand hath been,
For there is wildness that can never cloy, -
The russet hue of fields left bare, and all
The tints of leaves and blossoms ere they fall.
In thy dull days of clouds a pleasure comes,
Wild music softens in thy hollow winds;
And in thy fading woods a beauty blooms,
That's more than dear to melancholy minds.

~ John Clare 1821


Country Gal said...

A lovely post and photo. Have a good evening.

Gerry Snape said...

lovely lovely! good old John Clare...we took a trip out to High Leigh Village hall today where the community put on afternoon teas and marvelled at the English , Cheshire country as we drove home amidst the golden trees in the lowering autumn sun....magic!

Anonymous said...

lovely pastoral scene...give me Autumn too Mr. Clare...all through my life many good things have happened to the autumn of the year! It is a bittersweet time for me...meeting Don in November, losing Don in October! Much emotion revolves around this winding down of the year...the colors of the leaves uplift me though (even as they fall)! And I am thankful!

DJan said...

Melancholy. That word says it all for me today. Thank you.

DeniseinVA said...

Now that's a pretty scene that just speaks of Autumn, and you always find the prettiest poems to go with your photos Jo. Have a great week!

Stella Jones said...

Yes, Autumn every time for me too. Doesn't John Clare say it well! I've loved coming here and seeing all the leaves dancing, such enchantment!

Terry said...

Every time I hear your music, I feel a little teary. Silly old sentimental fool me! Your blog is such a treat.

Sharon said...

Nice post, I think autumn has outdone herself and now has fainted in the grass.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I like how some of them end up looking at you !

Constance said...

I LOVE your peaceful blog. The pictures remove me from my cabin fever and makes me want to come there. Yes, do put the kettle on...

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

It may be Tennessee in the photo but it fits the poem well.

L. D. said...

Great words and wonderful photo.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful poem, Jo, and I love that autumn picture... Our late autumn has been especially nice this year.... Every year it seems to be a little different.


Susie Swanson said...

Love the poem and that picture is so beautiful.. Awww, the colors of Autumn, you can't beat them.. Take care, Susie

George said...

What a beautiful poem. The picture is a perfect accompaniment.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

We returned from Tennessee yesterday and even though the colors were mostly gone, the scenery was just stunning--Your verse is perfect!!

Anonymous said...

You have such a lovely way of marrying your photos with poetry. Fall is my absolute favorite, so I especially appreciate this one.