Queen Anne's Lace
This wild version of the carrot is one of the most common and best known "weeds" we have. It is hard to imagine what a fallow field would look in summer without the white flower heads bobbing in the breeze. The Bird's nest name comes from the dried flower heads that curl up to resemble small bird nests.

It is thought that the carrots escaped from the gardens of the early European settlers in North America have thrived in the wild to become what we know as Queen Anne's Lace, just as had happened in Europe. Indeed the roots can be eaten just like a small pale carrot if harvested while still young and tender. Pull up a plant anywhere and smell the root. You will find it smells just like a carrot.
Always a late bloomer the Crepe Myrtle bush is worthy of the wait with it's showy flowers.
Midnight Blue Salvia
Forever faithful Petunias.True Blue Clematis
Day-Lilies Stella de Ora Flower pot whimsy
Iron rabbit standing guard at the pond
Hello Jo, I love your pictures of the flowers. I have seen those day lilies all over Tennessee, but I had no idea they were called Stella d'ora, which means Star of Gold, I suppose. My given name is Stella, so I suppose I can claim that the lilies are named after me, or me after them perhaps. Stella meaning Star, I was named Star of the sea after my maternal grandmother who I loved very much.
I think we call Queen Anne's lace, Gypsy lace in my part of the woods.
Blessings, Star
G'morn, Jo. The flowers are gorgeous...your gardens lovely. I love the Queens Ann Lace ... it grows wild all around here. Adds such graceful color to the roadside. TTFN~ Marydon
Does the flower pot whimsy have any particular function other than fun? Just wondering. I also love your flower pictures and was thinking about doing a flower post myself.
The Queen's Anne's Lace is beautiful with such an nice white, white with texture. That fence is stunning. The myrtle is a beautiful color. I like the shape of the bush. My Sella's are done for now unless the come back for a second time, but I don't think they will. I have a purple Stella that was given to me and I didn't know what it was until I looked through a seed catalog. Great blog, great music as always.
Hi Jo, We call that Queen Anne's Lace (first picture). It is used in wedding decorations sometimes.
Love the Clematis. Pretty color!
Have a great day.
The pictures of the flowers/plants are lovely.
Such beauty.
May you have a blessed Summer,
Ejoy your day.
Sunny :)
I have always loved the Queen Anne's Lace. It looks so delicate but seems to be pretty resillent. Have you ever added food coloring to your vase water to change the color of the lace. 3 to 5 drops should do it. Many white flowers will respond to the food coloring.
I am in agreement with the other visitors, these pictures are very lovely.
Hi Star: The Stella de Ora is the name of that particular color of day lily and also the variety. How lovely that it could be your name's sake :)
Yes they do seem to be all over Tennessee, they are easily planted and virtually non mainentance, so it makes for a favorite.
Blushing Rose: I think the Queen Anne's Lace is so delicate, and feminine.
DJan: No just whimsy on a stick...
Maybe for bees or something, since the hole looks too small for any kind of birds, unless a Hummingbird comes calling.
L.D.Burgus:Thank you for your comments, I value them as always.
Yes, the day lilies are just about done for the Summer, but if I'm lucky I may get another blooming out of them.
Betsy: I have seen it used at weddings also, so lovely.
DeAnna: Thank you, I hope you have a wonderful Summer also...
Sunny: Glad you enjoyed. I'm not as ambious as once was in the gardening department. The Tennessee summers are a little extreme.
Clouhands: No I didn't know you could put food coloring in the water to make them change color. What a lovely idea !
Thank you for sharing that with me..
Thanks for the tour of your garden. Everything looks absolutely wonderful.
Wonderful photos, I never knew that about Queen Anne's Lace. So interesting. Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog.
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